Features of the Trak Planner are:
• Weekly Schedule System: This is where you will write down your daily class assignments, tests and quizzes, activities and sports schedules, focus for the week, notes, need to get items and ideas.
•“The Big Picture”, a fun yearlong calendar to plan out major events and long term projects.
• Monthly Snapshot to trak missing assignments, achievements and focus items for each month.
•Your TRAK planner also has Research Paper Planning Sheets, Lab Report/Science Project Planning Sheets, Reference pages with lots of useful information, Note Paper, Graph Paper, Sketch Paper, and Tangle/Doodle Boxes.
•To help you be the best you can be we have included some helpful academic success guidelines. Everything is in one place to keep you on TRAK.
Trak Academic - Grades 7-12
Trak Planner Academic is for grades 7-12. The academic calendar runs from August to August. Overall size is 7-3/4 wide x 10-1/4 tall. Bound with black "wire-o" binding so students can fold in half on their desk to save space. All pages are in full color, months are color coded and there is a full section on "How to use your Trak Planner." Every trak planner comes with a clear 'movable' page divider.
This is the ACADEMIC VERSION Trak Planner specifically designed for grades 7-12.